Rally Marshals Training Incentive

Posted: December 16, 2005 2:15 PM - 4253 Hits

  • And the winner is.....
  • Draw in Nov 05 for a trip for two to the Swedish round Rally Championship in 2006!
The winner of the Marshals Incentive Scheme 2005 is Sean Duggan from County Tipperary.
Sean and a guest will be going to Sweden for the WRC Rally from the 3rd to the 5th of February. Compliments of Rally Ireland they will be provided with €500 spending money each and exclusive Rally Ireland clothing.

Posted: December 16, 2005 2:15 PM

Motorsport Ireland would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in the training, especially the trainers.

The incentive scheme will continue in 2006, further details will be posed on the Motorsport Ireland website so keep your eyes open!

Draw in Nov 05 for a trip for two to the Swedish round Rally Championship in 2006!

January 2005 sees the start of a new initiative by Motorsport Ireland when a series of Rally Marshals training courses begins across the country. The training venues and dates will be advertised by MI and in the monthly bulletin.
Affiliated clubs will also be advertising the training.

On completion of the course each Marshal will receive an individually numbered hi-visibility vest and a Record Card, which the marshal should have signed by their Stage Commander.

Once the marshal has obtained five signatures on their Record Card he / she must return their Record Card to MI where they will be entered into a draw, which will take place in November 2005, for a trip for two to the Swedish round of the World Rally Championship in 2006!

In addition, all Marshals will automatically receive a special Motorsport Ireland Marshals jacket when they submit their signed Record Card to MI.

That’s not all. There will also be five runner-up prizes of vouchers for Rally School Ireland! For more information on the Rally Marshals training please contact your local Club or check out the Motorsport Ireland website.

Topics: Marshal Training 

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