UAC launches Future Champions Support Programme
Posted: January 6, 2020 4:12 PM
The Ulster Automobile Club are delighted to announce our latest membership initiative
which focuses specifically on supporting our young club members.
The Future Champions support programme shares £2000 equally between four young members to support their 2020 motorsport activities. This is one element of our Club development strategy to support young club members to compete, learn, gain experience and above all have fun! A complimentary element focuses on supporting women to participate in all forms of motorsport.
Council believe these young members; who have already gained great experience across a range of motorsport disciplines; possess the potential, qualities, skills and abilities
needed to become future motorsport champions and we want to support and encourage their development.
Cheques for £500 each were presented by Erin Stewart, our membership secretary and
youngest female club member to; William Creighton, Daniel Harper, Adam McMullan & Ben McKee at the drivers briefing on It's Not The Boxing Day Rally just after Christmas.
Three of the recipients were competing on the event and Daniel joined us for the presentation. All of them were delighted with the boost to their budgets and greatly
appreciate this move by the Club.
We look forward to following their progress with regular updates on facebook and the club website during 2020.