Donegal Eamon Harvey Navigation Trial - 24-25 Jan 15

Posted: December 19, 2015 5:04 PM - 3310 Hits


Posted: December 19, 2015 5:04 PM

1 Paul Reid/Kevin Gallagher (Subaru Impreza) 0 marks,
2 Colin Duffy/Sam Johnston (Subaru Impreza) 1m,
3 Joe Friel/Aidan Friel (Subaru Impreza) 2m,
4 Rory Coyle/Ciaran Coyle (Subaru Impreza) 4m,
5 Dermot McGrory/Eamonn Doherty (Subaru Impreza) 11m,
6 Aaron Duffy/Laurence Keenan (Subaru Impreza) 19m,
7 Eoghan Corr/Ruaidhri Nash (Subaru Impreza) 24m,
8 Keith McConnon/Micheal McCluskey (Subaru Impreza) 43m,
9 Paddy McDaid/Conor Harvey (Subaru Impreza) 57m,
10 Colm Mohan/Conor Mohan (Subaru Impreza) 58m,
11 Brendan Friel/Ciaran Geaney (Subaru Impreza) 72m,
12 Emmet McCooey/Conor Boylan (Subaru Impreza) 84m.

Class winners:
Dermot McGrory/Eamonn Doherty;
Novices: Eoghan Corr/Ruaidhri Nash;
Beginners: Colm Mohan/Conor Mohan.

Regulations Available

Posted: January 17, 2015 9:09 AM

In the downloaded section of:

Preliminary Details

Posted: November 23, 2014 5:57 PM

The event is once again being ran out of An Craoibhinn Community Centre in Termon. C.O.C for the event is Barry Boyle, deputy C.O.C. is Darren Harvey and event secretary is Sam Pearson. Preparations for the event are at an advanced stage. Once again the event is a counting round of the club championship and also of the Squeeling Pig Border Navigation Championship. Promises to be a fantastic event so please keep an eye out for updates.

Club Website

Posted: November 23, 2014 5:56 PM

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