Irish Classic Retro - 24-26 Apr 15

Posted: April 11, 2015 11:41 AM - 7939 Hits

Seeded Entry List

Posted: April 9, 2015 6:40 PM

Entry list by Number
Car no Driver Navigator Car Class

1 Eamonn Byrne Anthony Preston Mini Cooper 3
2 Howard Warren Guy Woodcock Porsche 911 6A
3 Dermot Carnegie Paul Bosdet Escort MK 1 6A
4 Charles Colton Ryan Pickering Porsche 911 6A
5 Roger Powley Brian Goff Porsche 911 6A
6 Geoff Hall Martyn Taylor Mini 3
7 Frank Lenehan Kevin Savage Datsun 4A
8 Philip Armstrong Frank Hussey Volvo PV 544 4
9 Peter Lynch Rory Dooley Cortina GT 4
10 Joe Reynolds Andy Pullan BMW 1602 4A
11 Noel Cochrane Paddy Mc Collum MG Midget 7A
12 Roy Perkins Peter Ward Porsche 911 S 6A
13 Stephen Griffin Cath Woodman Opel Kadett 4A
14 John Bertram Andrew Fish Escort 6A
15 Robert Ganly Leigh Powley Volvo 4
16 Ken Jones Richard Bestwick MGB 7
17 Robert Dance Graham Dance Alfa Giulla Sprint 5
18 Simon Echlin Richard Jackson Escort Mk2 6A
19 Michael Reid John Lindsay Mg Midget 7A
20 Tom Callanan Bart den Hartog Triumph TR4 5
21 Bernard Bradley William Kelly Escort MK 1 6B
22 Andrew O Donohue Nick Bloxham Mini 3
23 Owain Lloyd Matthew Vokes Escort MK 2 6B
24 Ted Gaffney Karen Gaffney Morris Mini 3
25 Richard McAllister Jo McAllister Volvo 4
26 John Kelly Mark Faulkner MG Midget 7A
27 Joe Murray Trevor Hamilton Mini 3
28 Shane Houlihan Richard Pain Austin Healy 3000 5
29 Colin Forster Henry Carr Mini 3
30 Des Bruton Andrew Deurden Hillman Avenger 4A
31 John Bayliss Peter Rushforth MGA 5
32 Roger Finn Clifford Auld MG Midget 7
33 Peter Humphrey Dougie Humphrey Volvo PV 544 4
34 Craig Mc Wiliams Nick Sparks Escort MK 1 6B
35 Trina Harley Sue Shoosmith TR 3 5
36 Colin Evans Roger Bricknell MGBGT 7
37 Joe Doran Nikki Doran Opel Manta 5
38 Dilwyn Rees Tony Newman Austin Healy 3000 5
39 Lucy Whitford Kathryn Millington Mini Cooper 3
40 Bas Koyck Gabriella Koyck Ford Mustang 5
41 Pat Neville Sean Hassett Volvo 4A
42 Nick Pullan Ian Canavan Imp 4
43 Martin Nugent Timmy Faulkner Escort MK 1 6B
44 Piers Mac Fheorais Ian McCulloch MG Midget 7A
45 Ernie Campbell David Johnson Peugeot 104 ZS 4A
46 Rich Harrison Peter Boyce MGBGT 7
47 David Smith Anthony Tindall BMW 2002 4A
48 Jim Hendry Graham Couser Triumph TR 3 5
49 John O' Reilly Ian McWilliam Mini 3
50 Rachel Vestrey Owen Turner Austin Mini 3
50 Roger Jenkins Peter Cox MGBGT 7A
52 Conn Williamson Maurice Eakin BMW 2002 4A
53 Benny Grainger David Howard Mini Cooper 3
54 Andy Hennessy Peter Murphy Ford Anglia 4
55 Michael Kunz James Ewing MGBGT 7
56 Rod Hanson Clare Grove Volvo Amazon 123 GT 4
57 Gavin Millington Gwennhael Blouin Rover P6 4A
58 Danny O Donohue Jamie O Donohue Ford Escort 6B
59 Francis Rhatigan Patrick O'Leary MG Midget 7A
60 Simon Brien Michael Cotter MG Midget 7A
61 Steve Wilson Richard Porter Morris 8 4
62 Chris Head David Bardwell Golf GTI Mk2 8
63 Philip O' Reilly Kevin Fagan Starlet 8
64 Paul Nolan Dave Cormack Starlet 8
65 Karl Grehan Eoin Longworth Starlet 8

Entry list by Class
Car no Driver Navigator Car Class

1 Eamonn Byrne Anthony Preston Mini Cooper 3
6 Geoff Hall Martyn Taylor Mini 3
22 Andrew O Donohue Nick Bloxham Mini 3
24 Ted Gaffney Karen Gaffney Morris Mini 3
27 Joe Murray Trevor Hamilton Mini 3
29 Colin Forster Henry Carr Mini 3
39 Lucy Whitford Kathryn Millington Mini Cooper 3
49 John O' Reilly Ian McWilliam Mini 3
50 Rachel Vestrey Owen Turner Austin Mini 3
53 Benny Grainger David Howard Mini Cooper 3
8 Philip Armstrong Frank Hussey Volvo PV 544 4
9 Peter Lynch Rory Dooley Cortina GT 4
15 Robert Ganly Leigh Powley Volvo 4
25 Richard McAllister Jo McAllister Volvo 4
33 Peter Humphrey Dougie Humphrey Volvo PV 544 4
42 Nick Pullan Ian Canavan Imp 4
54 Andy Hennessy Peter Murphy Ford Anglia 4
56 Rod Hanson Clare Grove Volvo Amazon 123 GT 4
61 Steve Wilson Richard Porter Morris 8 4
7 Frank Lenehan Kevin Savage Datsun 4A
10 Joe Reynolds Andy Pullan BMW 1602 4A
13 Stephen Griffin Cath Woodman Opel Kadett 4A
30 Des Bruton Andrew Deurden Hillman Avenger 4A
41 Pat Neville Sean Hassett Volvo 4A
45 Ernie Campbell David Johnson Peugeot 104 ZS 4A
47 David Smith Anthony Tindall BMW 2002 4A
52 Conn Williamson Maurice Eakin BMW 2002 4A
57 Gavin Millington Gwennhael Blouin Rover P6 4A
17 Robert Dance Graham Dance Alfa Giulla Sprint 5
20 Tom Callanan Bart den Hartog Triumph TR4 5
28 Shane Houlihan Richard Pain Austin Healy 3000 5
31 John Bayliss Peter Rushforth MGA 5
35 Trina Harley Sue Shoosmith TR 3 5
37 Joe Doran Nikki Doran Opel Manta 5
38 Dilwyn Rees Tony Newman Austin Healy 3000 5
40 Bas Koyck Gabriella Koyck Ford Mustang 5
48 Jim Hendry Graham Couser Triumph TR 3 5
2 Howard Warren Guy Woodcock Porsche 911 6A
3 Dermot Carnegie Paul Bosdet Escort MK 1 6A
4 Charles Colton Ryan Pickering Porsche 911 6A
5 Roger Powley Brian Goff Porsche 911 6A
12 Roy Perkins Peter Ward Porsche 911 S 6A
14 John Bertram Andrew Fish Escort 6A
18 Simon Echlin Richard Jackson Escort Mk2 6A
21 Bernard Bradley William Kelly Escort MK 1 6B
23 Owain Lloyd Matthew Vokes Escort MK 2 6B
34 Craig Mc Wiliams Nick Sparks Escort MK 1 6B
43 Martin Nugent Timmy Faulkner Escort MK 1 6B
58 Danny O Donohue Jamie O Donohue Ford Escort 6B
16 Ken Jones Richard Bestwick MGB 7
32 Roger Finn Clifford Auld MG Midget 7
36 Colin Evans Roger Bricknell MGBGT 7
46 Rich Harrison Peter Boyce MGBGT 7
55 Michael Kunz James Ewing MGBGT 7
11 Noel Cochrane Paddy Mc Collum MG Midget 7A
19 Michael Reid John Lindsay Mg Midget 7A
26 John Kelly Mark Faulkner MG Midget 7A
44 Piers Mac Fheorais Ian McCulloch MG Midget 7A
50 Roger Jenkins Peter Cox MGBGT 7A
59 Francis Rhatigan Patrick O'Leary MG Midget 7A
60 Simon Brien Michael Cotter MG Midget 7A
62 Chris Head David Bardwell Golf GTI Mk2 8
63 Philip O' Reilly Kevin Fagan Starlet 8
64 Paul Nolan Dave Cormack Starlet 8
65 Karl Grehan Eoin Longworth Starlet 8

Entries Received - Entry Full

Posted: December 7, 2014 3:26 PM

Driver Navigator Car
Rich Harrison Peter Boyce MGBGT
Robert Ganly Leigh Powley Volvo
David Smith Anthony Tindall BMW 2002
James O Mahony Kerrie Barry Volvo 122 S
Michael Reid John Lindsay Mg Midget
Roy Perkins Peter Ward Porsche 911 S
Nick Pullan Ian Canavan Imp
Ken Jones Richard Bestwick MGB
Dermot Carnegie Paul Bosdet Escort MK 1
Robert Dance Graham Dance Alfa Giulla Sprint
Paul Blair Olwen Blair Escort MK 1
Piers Mac Fheorais Ian McCulloch MG Midget
Martin Nugent Timmy Faulkner Escort MK 1
Andrew O Donohue TBA Mini
Frank Lenehan TBA Datsun
Ernie Campbell David Johnston Peugeot 104 ZS
Karen Gaffney TBA VW Golf GTI
Ted Gaffney TBA Morris Mini
Philip Armstrong Frank Hussey Volvo PV 544
Bernard Bradley William Kelly Escort MK 1
Tom Callanan TBA Triumph TR4
Danny O Donohue TBA Ford Escort
Francis Rhatigan TBA Mg Midget
Richard McAllister Jo McAllister Volvo
John Bertram Andrew Fish Escort
Mark Doran Mark O'Neill Escort
Joe Doran Mikki Doran Opel Manta
Geoff Hall Martin Taylor Mni
Peter Lynch Rory Dooley Cortina GT
Declan Hendrick TBA Starlet
Myles O Donoghue Frank O' Donoghue BMW 2002
Frank Fennell TBA Mercedes 300 SE
Shane Houlihan Richard Pain TBA
Jim Hendry Graham Couser Triumph TR 3
Chris Head David Bardwell Golf GTI Mk2
Colin Forster Henry Carr Mini
Simon Echlin TBA Escort Mk2
Paul Nolan TBA TBA
Eamonn Byrne Anthony Preston Mini Cooper
Des Bruton Andrew Deurden Hillman Avenger
Eddie Peterson TBA Mini Cooper
Stephen Griffin TBA Opel Kadett
Craig Mc Wiliams Nick Sparks Escort MK 1
Conn Williamson Maurice Eakin BMW 2002
Rachel Vestrey Owen Turner Austin Mini
Trina Harley Sue Shoosmith TBA
Peter Humphrey Dougie Humphrey Volvo PV 544
Roger Jenkins TBA MGBGT
Roger Flynn Clifford Auld Mg Midget
Robin Eyre Maunsill Matthew Vokes Escort MK 2
Roger Powley Brian Goff Porsche 911
Philip O' Reilly Alex Lyons Starlet
Benny Grainger David Howard Mini Cooper
Colin Evans Shon Gosling MGBGT
Lucy Whitford Kathryn Millington Mini Cooper
Tim Mckie Gavin Millington Rover P6
Andy Hennessy Peter Murphy Ford Anglia
Rod Hanson Clare Grove Volvo Amazon 123 GT
Karl Grehan Darragh Grehan Starlet
Howard Warren Guy Woodcock Porsche 911
Charles Colton Ryan Pickering Porsche 911
John Kelly Mark Faulkner MG Midget
John Bayliss Peter Rushforth MGA
John O' Reilly Ian McWilliam Escort
Michael Kunz James Ewing MGBGT
Joe Murray Trevor Hamilton Mini
Steve Wilson Richard Porter Morris 8
Bas Koijck Gabriella Koijck Ford Mustang
Joe Reynolds Andy Pullan BMW 1602
Noel Cochrane Paddy Mc Collum MG Midget

Club will accept further entries for a reserve list.


Posted: August 13, 2014 12:20 PM

red Bent reports strong interest in next year’s Irish Classic Retro, with our Dutch friends keen to return to Ireland after their successful visit during the 2010 Rally of the Tests.

Next year’s event which takes place from the 24th to the 26th April will have a wide ranging appeal caters for all Vintagists. The main rally will be contested with Regularities, Tests and Special Tests , with an optional night time section.

"In an unusual move the club has decided to run the night time section as a separate event dedicated to the memory of Vincent Fagan a former stalwart and much loved member of club who passed away last year. The Vin as he was known would have appreciated that the replica for The Vincent Fagan Memorial Trophy is in fact a case of vin".

Over the years the Vintagists have enjoyed participation in many Irish events and Fred promises a smooth route suitable for all these special cars, hence the decision to run the night time section as a separate event. The headquarters for the event is the newly refurbished four star Newpark Hotel in Kilkenny, many of you will remember this popular hotel from former Irish Retro Rallies. This year the hotel are offering an exceptional all inclusive set package for three night bed and breakfast and ticket to the Prize Giving Dinner on the final night for 190 euro.

Nutt Travel are also coming on board with special Cross Channel rates

Regulations / Details

Posted: August 13, 2014 12:19 PM

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