Cork MC's Kanturk Autotest - (Sat) 14 Jul 01

Posted: July 16, 2001 8:15 AM - 4060 Hits

Thanks to Laurance Hartigan

Waterford's Paddy Power took his Mini Special to a convincing win on last Saturday evening's test trial at Kanturk. Power was quickest on six of the nine tests, his main opposition coming from Tyrone man Tommi McDaid who set fastest time on three tests.

Posted: July 16, 2001 8:15 AM

In the classes, Ian White was the winner in Class A from John Lyons with Dennis Marcus third, all driving Mini saloons.
Class B winner was Tommi McDaid, who was also second overall with local driver Liam Cashman second and Jonathan McDaid third. Peter Keohane took his Mini Special to victory in Class 3 with his father John second and Alan Clarke third.
In Class D the Westfield of Simon Echlin was quickest from Mark Falvey, Escort TC and Tim Faulkner, Midget, third. Previous event winner Eamonn Byrne showed his skill when he won Class E in a Corsa, also finishing third overall. Frank Lenehan was second and Michael Cashman third, all in Corsas.
Michael Buckley, Starlet, won Class F with Jimmy O'Sullivan, Suzuki, second. Best novice was Dave Tracey, Uno while top club member was Vincent Fagan, Starlet.

Class A:
1 Ian White, Mini; 2 John Lyons, Mini; 3, Dennis Marcus, Mini.

Class B:
1 Tommi McDaid, Mini; 2, Liam Cashman, Mini; 3, Jonathan McDaid, Mini.

Class C:
Peter Keohane, Mini Special; 2, John Keohane, Mini Special; 3 Alan Clarke, Mini Special.

Class D:
1, Simon Echlin, Westfield; 2, Mark Falvey, Escort TC; 3, Tim Faulkner, Midget.

Class E:
1,Eamonn Byrne, Corsa; 2, Frank Lenehan, Corsa; 3, Michael Cashman, Corsa.

Novice: Dave Tracey, Fiat Uno.
Best Club member: Vincent Fagan, Starlet.

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