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Posted: December 31, 1969 5:46 AM - 4135 Hits

This three-day event will bring together, for the first time under one roof, the cream of the Irish motorsport industry.  Everything from Formula 1 to Rallying and Bikes to Karts as well as the top of the range 'toys for the boys' - radio controlled cars. 
Venue: RDS Dublin

Posted: December 31, 1969 5:46 AM

Expected to take part from the rally world are:
Competitors taking part: Austin McHale / Andrew Nesbitt / Bob Fowden/ Ian Greer/ Michael Barrable / John McCluskey / Tommy Graham / James Foley / Eugene Meegan / Bryan Murphy / Stephen Murphy / Paul Harris / Daniel Doherty / Niall Maguire / Rory Galligan / Denis Cronin / George Treacy / Joe Connolly / Lloyd Hutchinson / John Treacy /Adrian Boyd/Willie Singleton

More information available at: www.motorsportinternational.co.uk

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