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2007 Border Rally Championship

Posted: December 11, 2007 1:18 PM - 10896 Hits

McAree Engineering Border championship

  • Border Championship Website:
  • McPhillips & Tierney wins the 2007 McAree Engineering Border Rally Championship.
  • Championship Points after Round 6 - Donegal Harvest
  • Border Rally Championship Prizegiving - 9 Nov 07
  • Championship Rounds

Posted: December 11, 2007 1:18 PM

Border Championship Website
McPhillips & Tierney wins the 2007 McAree Engineering Border Rally Championship.
Gary McPhillips & Mark Tierney has emerged victorious after 6 rounds to win the overall 2007 McAree Engineering Border Rally Championship.

Once again, the Border’s reputation as one of the most closely contested rally series in the country remains intact.

Going into the final round the Class 11 Corolla of Raymond Conlon and James O’Reilly led by a single point from the class 12 car of regaining Border Champions Brian Armstrong and Duncan McFarlane, and the class 14 machine of Gary McPhillips and Mark Tierney. Yet it was Gary and Mark who edged ahead at the final round, winning the Championship.

Managing Director of Mc Aree Engineering; Brendan McAree said “In our first year of sponsoring this Championship, I am delighted that we had probably the closest final round in years. The enthusiasm that Gary and indeed all 140 participants gave over the year ensures that the Border Rally Championship is the most exciting Clubman Championship in Irish Rallying”

“I congratulate Gary and Mark on their exceptional year round performance and indeed all other participants for supporting our championship.

The border price giving will take place Friday the 9th of November in the hilgrove hotel Monaghan. We hope to see all participants there for a good nights crack.


  1. Mayo Stages Rally - 11 Mar 07
  2. Monaghan Stages Rally - 22 Apr 07
  3. Cavan Stages Rally - 27 May 06
  4. Mourne Rally - 10 Jun 06
  5. Connacht Stages Rally (Sligo) - 8 Jul 06
  6. Donegal Harvest Stages Rally - (Sat) 13 Oct 05

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