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Kris Meeke - 2002 Galloway Hills

Posted: December 5, 2002 11:28 AM - 12909 Hits

Kris Meeke and Glenn Patterson took a convincing win on the 2002 Armstrong Galloway Hills Rally, in a McKinstry Motorsport prepared Gp.A Subaru Impreza.

Posted: December 5, 2002 11:28 AM

On the opening 12 mile ‘Fleet’ stage, Kris was surprised to be quickest by 16 seconds from Jock Armstrong and 19 quicker that Raymond Munro, competing in a WRC Subaru from the McKinstry stable.

“I really did take things fairly steady during SS1, and just wanted to establish what the pace was like before making a push. Being seeded number one was something new for this event. There were no time sheets to compare at the end of the stage!”... commented Kris.

Kris was fastest again by 5 seconds on SS2. “We had a ‘moment’ on the Glengap stage, and slid off the road for about 10 seconds, but there was no damage to the car. I then pushed fairly hard to the end of the stage, to see if we could make up some time.”

Kris extended his lead further on the short Dalbeattie test, but really stamped his authority on rally during the 12 mile ‘Cairn Edward’ stage, setting a time 27 seconds quicker than anyone else. “I was really enjoying myself..” said Kris. “It ’s not easy trying to keep a steady pace while leading. We lost 4th gear early on SS5, and with over a minute in hand, backed right off for the remainder of the stage.”

“The Galloway Hills is an excellent rally, and it's invaluable for me to get some 4WD experience on some of the best stages in Britain. Kenny McKinstry and his men prepared a first-class car, and they never had to lay a spanner on it all day.”

“It was a last minute decision to do the rally, and I am grateful to our sponsors. Glenn and I have fantastic local support in the area, and I am glad that we have been able to get a result for them”.

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