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2002 Shell Donegal International Rally - 21-23 Jun 02

Posted: July 2, 2002 6:47 PM - 69533 Hits

- Book of condolences on Donegal Motor Club Website for George Clarke and Gerard McKenna -

Chairman of Donegal Motor Club comments on Rally Tragedy
“On behalf of the Donegal Motor Club I would like, once again, to send our condolences to the McKenna and Clarke families on the tragic loss of their sons Gerard and George last weekend. Our hearts and prayers are with them at this awful time.

Posted: July 2, 2002 6:47 PM

Our wishes for a quick recovery go out to Clive Wasson, who was injured in the accident. Clive is one of the best - known photographers in the County and he has always been a great friend to us. His father David is the Treasurer of the Motor Club, and he was Assistant Clerk of the Course on the Rally. Indeed the whole Wasson family have been at the heart of the Rally for years and I know it can’t be easy for them just now.

We also keep in mind Seamus Gallagher and John McCafferty. I’ve competed alongside Seamus in the past and know him as a gentle and sincere man - as is John. They are devastated by what happened, and are very much in our thoughts.

The past few days have been very difficult for everyone in the Motor Club. People from all walks of life gather in Letterkenny every year to help run the Rally. It needs literally hundreds of volunteers to make it work. In the process a great spirit of camaraderie is generated, and the tragedy last Friday hit the entire organisation, from club members through to competitors and officials.

I myself was competing in the Rally and saw through the weekend, on a personal level, how the organising team were affected. Tough decisions had to be taken quickly at a time when the senior officials involved were deeply upset and were struggling to come to terms with the tragedy. Given the circumstances, I think Clerk of the Course Tom Higgins and his team deserve credit for the manner of their response and for getting their priorities right.

I also think it appropriate to thank all those who assisted on Friday, particularly the competitors, the rescue and medical teams who responded within minutes, and the spectators who were involved at the scene. It may seem a small point now, but I know that traffic around Ballybofey was disrupted due to the emergency, and the patience shown by everyone affected was very much appreciated.

We have received a lot of messages of sympathy and support over the past days. It has prompted us to open a book for expressions of condolence for the bereaved, and support for the injured. This will open on our Club website shortly, and can be accessed at www.donegalmotorclub.com.

Irish Motorsport has lost many good friends in the past eighteen months. We had all been looking forward to a good weekend in Donegal after we cancelled the 2001 Rally due to the Foot and Mouth outbreak. Instead, in 2002, the longest day preceded our darkest night.

All sports need young men and women to push them forward, to strive for excellence. George Clarke and Gerard McKenna were exceptionally bright and talented young men. Friday last was George’s twenty-second birthday. Both had passed their exams with distinction the previous week, and were due to graduate from Queen’s University. The scale of their loss is numbing.

On a personal note, I know we depend on the goodwill of people who live along the route, and in Donegal generally, to allow the Rally and other events take place. In turn, those people expect that we conduct those events safely, and with sensitivity for those affected by them. The International Rally has been running successfully for thirty years and, until now, has never had a fatality. Please know that all those in the Motor Club grieve with the Clarke and McKenna families, and that they are desperately sorry this accident happened.”


The Organisers of the Shell Donegal Rally 2002 have released further details of the fatal accident, which occurred on special stage two, at Cloghan, Co. Donegal yesterday. This comes following the statement issued by MotorSport Ireland, relating to the emergency meeting called in Dublin early on Sunday morning.

A spokesman for Donegal Motor Club said that the accident occurred near the start of the test on a bumpy straight. A competing car veered abruptly off the road, colliding with two safety marshals and a photographer.

Following competitors gave immediate notice of the accident and the Rally rescue plan was put into operation. The main rally was automatically diverted away from the area and competitors were held at a service control.

The Rally medical and rescue teams arrived at the scene within minutes and began treating those involved. Despite their intensive efforts two men George Clarke aged 22, from Moville in County Donegal and Gerard McKenna, aged 22, from Co. Armagh succumbed to their injuries.

The other person injured, local photographer Mr. Clive Wasson was removed to Letterkenny General Hospital for treatment of his injuries and later transferred to Dublin. Mr. Wasson is a very good friend of Donegal Motor Club, and his family has close ties to the Motor Club for almost thirty years.

Rally officials and competitors were devastated at the news. A Club spokesman commented: "Our sport relies on safety marshals to monitor and control spectators while the event is running. George and Gerard had secured the area and were themselves positioned off the road and away from the anticipated path of the competing cars. It is very difficult to accept that they were hurt while protecting others. It was through their action that members of the public spectating on the stages, were prevented from entering this particular area, and as a result no other casualties occurred."

He continued: "We are all absolutely stunned by this. Our hearts to out to the Clarke and McKenna families in their loss. Everyone here, from the officials to the competitors, are deeply upset and distressed by the accident, and cancelling the Rally was our first thought."

"We are heartbroken that these two young men have lost their lives through their involvement with the Rally and that Clive Wasson has been injured. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families and we extend our condolences to them.
Additionally as a Club, we would like to extend our grief for other young lives lost, particularly those lost or missing in our County last week. The young student who attends a Letterkenny college, was drowned on a canoeing trip in France, and the young tourist missing while out walking on the west coast on the County. We really feel for these people, their families and friends, at this time."

Statement From Donegal Motorclub
During the running of a stage of the Shell Donegal International Rally, an accident occurred at Stranabritick, Cloghan, Brockagh, when a competing car left the road.

Emergency services were immediately on the scene and the event was halted. Despite their very best efforts, 2 people were fatally injured, and another was removed to Letterkenny General Hospital.

The organisers of the rally have expressed their deepest sympathy to the families of the bereaved.

The remainder of the Donegal International Rally has been cancelled by the organisers.

Shell, as sponsors, fully supports the decision of the Donegal Motor Club and their thoughts are with the families of the bereaved at this tragic time."

Statement from Motorsport Ireland
We are all deeply shocked and saddened by today's tragic news. Our initial thoughts and sympathies are very much with the families and friends of those who have lost their lives.

Donegal Motor Club, the organisers of today's event, is the country's largest Rally Club. Over the years they have had an excellent safety record and we know that the many volunteers who run the event are as shocked and upset as we are by this tragic accident.

In the light of what has happened the Motor Sport Commission (Ruling Council) will meet in emergency session this Sunday. A further statement will issue following that meeting.

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