Getting Started in Rallying

Posted: October 6, 1999 4:57 PM - 3168 Hits

Laurence Hartigan writes
"For any budding rally people out there who are wondering how to get started in the sport, Cork Motor Club are running a series of classes entitled:
"How To Go Rallying."

Posted: October 6, 1999 4:57 PM

Starting next Tuesday night, October 12, the course will run for six weeks and will give participants a full insight into the sport. Orgainisng the lecutres will be Jerry Hynes, one the the sport's most experienced navigators and all aspects of rallying will be covered from navigating to driving and from navigation trials to stage rallies. The course will also feature some guest drivers and navigators relating their experiences.

Venue will be the club's HQ at Christys Hotel, Blarney, Co. Cork, starting at 8 p.m. and the cost is £10.

As an added bonus for those attending, a draw will be held at the end of the course for a place as a navigator in a rally car

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