Irish Rally Competitors Association - Meeting 22 Sept '99

Posted: September 22, 1999 7:49 AM - 5388 Hits



Bloomfield House Hotel, near Mullingar.
Wednesday 22nd September 1999
7.30 pm sharp
The Bloomfield House Hotel is located approx 3 miles outside Mullingar on the Kilbeggan/Tullamore road.
Click "Read More" for Agena/Information of this important meeting relating to the future of "your sport".

Posted: September 22, 1999 7:49 AM

The Committee of IRCA invites you to attend an important meeting relating to the future of "your sport".

The following items are on the agenda for discussion and if you are unable to attend the meeting and have strong and constructive views in regard to any of these points, then you should make written representation to the following for discussion at the meeting.
(Rory Kennedy: Fax: 074 24858
Kevin Barrett: Fax: 01 6286509)

1 Reconnaissance period and associated PR problems.
2 Behaviour of chase cars and possible banning of same.
3 The carrying of fuels in chase cars and service vans.
4 The banning of "super fuels" (e.g. Elf, Carless etc.)
5 Test stages before rallies
6 Standardising safety and eligibility scrutineering and implementation of penalties.
7 Standardising time cards.
8 Road books and time cards to correspond.
9 Quality of stages, length of straights, artificial chicanes etc.
10 Implementation of rules and regulations by event organisers.
11 The possibilities of generating revenue from spectators on events in support of local charities.

The IRCA is your association and best voiced in Dawson Street (Motorsport Ireland) and if we do not have your views and support, then we will not have an effective influence on the decision making process.

Decisions on a number of these issues will soon be taken by the Rallies Committee of Motorsport Ireland so we must respond positively as soon as possible.

The long-term future of our sport - if there is one - is in your hands, so please make a very special effort to attend.

Yours in motorsport
The Committee of the IRCA

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