Dunlop MI Benevolent Fund/GOAL Golf Classic - (Thurs) 29 May 08

Posted: March 25, 2008 4:13 PM - 3254 Hits

Charity begins at home. That is an old adage and indeed a true one. That is why we consider the annual Dunlop MI Benevolent Fund/GOAL Golf Classic as an important occasion, apart from the fact that it is a day when motorsport people from all disciplines come together for fun, golf and good food. Last year the two charities – the MI Benevolent Fund and GOAL –shared in excess of €20,000. Thanks!

Posted: March 25, 2008 4:13 PM

As you already know the MI Benevolent Fund is for the day when competitors from rallying, karting or racing, who are unlucky to be involved in a serious accident, can be helped in some direct and kind way during treatment or convalescence, particularly if that person is unemployed, contract or self-employed.  

GOAL is the Irish sportsman’s charity, doing exceptional work in many parts of the world. Our Golf Classic, is, and has been, over the years, dedicated to efforts in Calcutta. Over the past six years we have donated over €60,000 to that specific area, thanks to all those who have taken part in the Classic, which is in memory of its instigator, the late David Manley.  

In 2008 the Golf Classic will again take place at the exquisite GLEN OF THE DOWNS Golf Club, Delgany, Co. Wicklow. It will once more be a Shot-Gun start (check in from noon and start at 1330) and the date is Thursday May 29th. We can cater for 40 teams, so get your team entry in immediately. The Shot-Gun start means that all participants will finish at the same time and so there will be a gala dinner.  

The entry fee for a team of four players is €600 and that includes green fees, a three course dinner and goody bags for all four players. It is great value, a great day of fun, and a special day when all branches of the sport and its supporters, come together in the interest of others not so fortunate. As in previous years, we are also accepting hole and award sponsorships, all in an effort to reach if not surpass last year’s achievement. €250 will sponsor a tee or green! So please tell all your members!  

The overall winning team will take the Peter Jenkins Memorial Trophy (the Co. Cavan MC won last time). The best motorsport club team will carry away the Cuchullann Trophy (the Birr and District MC hold this trophy), while there are many other subsidiary prizes, such as the Longest Drive and the nearest the hole award on one of the Par 3s. Each motor club may enter two or more teams if desired.  

We must express our sincere thanks to Michael and Stephen Doyle of the Glen of the Down Golf Club for the use of their splendid course and for the concessions they have given; to Dunlop who have been our sponsors for many years; and to all those clubs and individuals who have contributed, played, and/or sponsored the classic in the past.  

Now is the time to send your entry to

No need to send money at this time, but we would appreciate an indication that you intend to enter a team or you would like to be involved as a sponsor.
Entries close on May 22nd by which time the €600 entry fee should be paid. Again thanks for taking an interest in this worthy effort in the name of motorsport. Please pass on this memorandum on to motorsport people!

Michael O’Carroll, Michael Lyster, Vincent Hogan, Dermot O’Rourke, Ronan Morgan, Alex Sinclair.

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