The Grand Challenge- "Battle of the Genders" @ RallyConnection

Posted: April 3, 2007 10:59 AM - 2314 Hits

The grand challenge has one aim and that is to establish the clear winner. " Will it be the Girls or will it be the Boys"

Simon Mackey & Ciara Day @ The Battle of the Genders Final @ RallyConnection

Posted: April 3, 2007 10:59 AM

The competitors already won a fully complimentary night in the Park Hotel Dungarvan, courtesy of Topgifts.

On the 20th March with adrenaline running high, Simon Mackey from Dun Laoire, Co. Dublin and Ciara Day, from Dublin 8, battled it out at Rallyconnection Rallyschool and settled the score once and for all - (at least for that day!) as to who ruled the track.

After completing a full training session, the competition came to the Grand Finale - The Timed Laps. The eventual winner was Simon with a lap time of 1 minute and 12 sec.- with Ciara clocking a very respectable 1 minute and 14 sec.

So an outright victory for the boys this time.

Simon won the Topgifts challenge trophy in association with Rallyconnection and Ciara won the challenge plaque and more importantly had the time of their lives !!

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