Photos: Owen Murphy's Evo 9

Posted: January 30, 2007 12:33 PM - 4532 Hits

  • Photos

Photo: Ger Leahy

Posted: January 30, 2007 12:33 PM

Photo: Ger Leahy

On Thursday of last week Owen accompied by his navigators Garry Nolan and Paul Williams who will share co-driving duties during 2007 travelled to KG Motorsport in Antrim for a seat fitting ,photo shoot and to learn about the controls of his new Yokohama Mitsubishi EVO 9.

Travelling with Owen were a number of his sponsors,members of the team and Ger who took the first photos of the striking yellow Yokohama Shod Mitsubishi Evo 9.Owen expressed himself very happy with the car after a short run and said he is eagerly looking forward to the Galway International next weekend.

Owen will however be treating Galway as a steep learning curve. Owen said I have no knowledge of the suspension settings and from the recce this rally has a bit of everything its slippery tight fast bumpy and there are some huge jumps out there .!!!!! Its also my first time on Yokohama Advan 18" tarmac tyres which will be fitted to the new Compomotive CTX alloy wheels.

Owens only previous experience of Galway was the Galway Summer rally in 2005 where he secured a class win in his 206 cup car and previous to that he competed in Tynagh karting track during his Junior Jica Irish Karting Championship win in 1999.

Owens plans for the year include the following rallies:
2007 Irish Tarmac Rally Championship programme and 2 Extra Events
The West Cork Rally & Rally Ireland

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