Galway MC "Night at the Dogs" Fundrasier - 2 Dec 06

Posted: October 31, 2006 11:43 AM - 3154 Hits


Posted: October 31, 2006 11:43 AM


Sr. Imelda O’ Sullivan is a member of the little Sisters Of the Assumption and is a native of Ballylickey near Bantry in West Cork. Imelda came to Galway in the 70’s to work looking after the elderly in the city. During that time she also worked with our Lady’s Youth Club in Sea Road where she quickly found her love for working on youth projects.

Shortly afterwards Imelda worked with the Galway Diocesan Youth Services with Fr. Gerry Ryan OSA as Chairperson for the organisation. Youth un-employment was a major problem for the city and county at this time and many young people found it difficult to get work or the skills necessary to avoid the trap of long term unemployment.

With this in mind Fr. Gerry & Imelda co-founded the Galway City Community Training Centre in 1984. As most of you will know Galway City C.T.C (The Workshops) has now become synonymous with Motorsport and Galway Motor Club. John O’ Connell as director is also the Clerk Of The Course for the Galway International Rally and has spent many years competing on and organising events for the club. Ellie O’ Boyle is the secretary in the C.T.C and has also spent many years working on the organisation of almost every event in Galway Motor Club. Indeed almost all events organised by G.M.C. have their beginnings in the meeting rooms in the workshops. All facilities and input from the centre to Galway Motor Club have been given free of charge.

Sr. Imelda is also a founder member of the Le Cheile Project, which is still operating very successfully in the Westside of the city under the management of Ms. Ann Hunt. At present Imelda is involved in the Pernet Adult Education project. This project contributes in a very positive way to people’s lives by giving them the self-esteem and confidence to pursue worthwhile paths. As you can see from the above Sr. Imelda and her projects have had a huge influence on the lives of people less well off than ourselves in Galway City and County.

However all was going well until Sr. Imelda was involved in a major accident in March 2005. She fractured both legs and has spent many months in and out of hospitals having plates and screws inserted in her legs to help her gain some form of mobility. Because of her accident Sr. Imelda’s projects are now in real danger of going under due to her inability to give her full time and energies to her projects.

The committee of Galway Motor Club have decided to help raise funds to try and save Imelda’s projects. We have organised a “Night At The Dogs” race night on the 2nd December 2006. When you buy a ticket for this event you are not only helping save Sr. Imelda’s projects but you also have the chance to win €2000.00 on the night. I am sure because of the great co-operation between the Galway City C.T.C. and Galway Motor Club you will support this event. We hope to make it a great fun night for all club members, family and friends. You can also get your competition licence application stamped on the night and be ready in good time for the start of 2007. By supporting this event you can help to portray a positive image for Galway Motor Club in the City and County and help give back a little to the public who have allowed us to continue with our sport for so many years. Many thanks to the members of The Western Veteran and Vintage Motor Club for their help with this fundraiser.

Press Launch on 6th November 2006 at 6:30pm in the Menlo Park Hotel.

The Club are also looking for race sponsors for the event!
Sponsor a race and obtain maximum publicity for your business.
For Details contact: (087-2330037) or (087-2999377)

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