Posted: October 19, 2006 4:59 PM - 2583 Hits


Posted: October 19, 2006 4:59 PM

Cork Motor Club will hold a question and answer session with a difference in The Commons Inn next Tuesday night 24th Oct 2006.

While such sessions in the past have been very much focused on the top rally DRIVERS in the country CMC have decided to get the view of the navigator/ co-driver,in other words the person responsible for keeping the driver between the ditches and looking after all the other requirements of competing on a rally.

Some of the countrys top navigators including Pirelli Tarmac Championship regulars Anthony Nestor,who navigates for Tim McNulty,multiple tarmac champion James O Brien who has steered Andrew Nesbitt to three Tarmac Championship wins,Forest rally and Group N Tarmac Champion Greg Shinnors and three times West Cork Rally winner Jerry Hynes will be in attendance and answering questions from the floor.

Also in attendance will be Paul Nagle who successfully contested a number of WRC rounds in 2006 with Gareth McHale in a Ford Focus WRC and has plans to compete on further rounds in 2007.

Proceedings get underway in the Roebuck Room of the Commons Inn new Mallow Road Cork City at 9.00pm and all are welcome.

New members will be made more than welcome on the night.

If you ever wondered what the life of a top rally navigator is like now is your chance to find out from the horses mouth.

Admission is free and further information is available on 086 2573971

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