2006 Southern 4 Rally Championship

Posted: December 14, 2006 2:38 PM - 10927 Hits

023 Tiles Southern 4 Rally Championship

  • Prizegiving
  • Final Championship Points
  • Extra Round for the Southern 4 Championship.
  • 023 Tiles Remain on as Sponsor.
  • Championship Rounds

Posted: December 14, 2006 2:38 PM

Prizegiving will be in The Rochestown park hotel on Jan 27 2007.
Extra Round for the Southern 4 Championship.
The countdown is on for the start of the 2006 023 Tiles Southern 4 Rally Championship and the organisers are delighted to announce the return of the Circuit of Munster Rally as a counting round.

This means that the championship will be run over 6 events in the course of the year with four scores counting out of the six.

The main benefit of the return of the Circuit of Munster is that it eases the pressure somewhat on competitors in the modified classes,some of whom struggled to get entries in the two Internationals, the Killarney International Rally of the Lakes and the Cork “20” International, because of the high profile of these events.

This effectively reduced their opportunity to take full advantage of the “dropped score” rule, thus the inclusion of the Circuit of Munster means that ALL competitors in the championship have the same chance of victory in their respective classes.

023 Tiles of Cork and Bandon are once again the welcome sponsors of the Southern Four Rally Championship and it is their help that allows the championship to improve each year.
Last years winners, Denis Cronin/Helen O Sullivan are expected to take part again in 2006 as are Nigel Hicklin/Sam McMullan, Liam McCarthy/Kieran Murphy and Tommy Randles

Group N entrants are likely to include Alan Ring in his recently acquired Subaru Impreza N12, Kevin and Martin Kelleher who have upgraded to an EVO 9 Lancer and, James O Sullivan also in a Lancer for 2006.

The overseas contingent will include John Dalton/Gwynfor Jones in their superfast Darrian T90 and regular visitor Eddie Blackwell.

The modifieds and two wheel drive classewill hopefully be well represented as well by top gun competitors like Charlie and Johnny Hickey,Bob Moran,Philip Cross,David Guest, Ken O'Neill, Brian O'Mahoney to name a few.
  1. West Cork Rally - 18-19 Mar 06
  2. Rally of The Lakes - 28-30 Apr 06
  3. Circuit of Munster (Limerick) - 4 Jun 06
  4. Raven's Rock - 25 Jun 06
  5. Cork 20 International Rally - 29 Sep - 1 Oct 06
  6. Skibbereen Fastnet Stages Rally - 29 Oct 06

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