OLYMPUS RALLY (USA) - 19-20 May 06

Posted: April 5, 2006 1:07 PM - 3526 Hits

Round 4 - 2006 United States Rally Championship

  • Entries to date

Posted: April 5, 2006 1:07 PM

Details on event website:
Former WRC rally to run as 2006 United States Rally Championship event
Former WRC rally to run as 2006 United States Rally Championship event

Massimo “Miki” Biasion was the last competitor to take the podium in this event, besting teammate Alex Fiorio, both driving Lancia Delta Integrales. American John Buffum completed the podium in his Audi Coupe Quattro. Winners in previous years included rally legends Markku Alen and Juha Kankkunen, aka the “Flying Finns”. The Olympus Rally played host to the infamous Group B cars, and now it is back after a 14 year hiatus.

Scheduled for May 19-20, 2006 as the fourth round of the United States Rally Championship, the Olympus International Rally will run many of the same roads as in its previous iterations. It will also be a Federation Internationale de L’Automobile (FIA) calendar listed event through the United States Auto Club (USAC), bringing back the international flavor that has made the event part of American and World rally history.

“We are very excited to be returning this event to both the national and international stage,” stated Steve McQuaid, Chairman of the rally, “it’s nice to bring the event out with a bang at this level of competition and organization.”

“We like to think that we have the best rally roads in the United States, if not the world,” added McQuaid, “and we’re looking forward to hosting the best competitors the United States and the world has to offer on them.”


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