Galway MC Sprint @ Tynagh – 3 Jul 05

Posted: July 6, 2005 11:17 AM - 2592 Hits

Galway Motor Club Sprint Sunday July 3rd Pallas Karting Track Tynagh Co. Galway

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Posted: July 6, 2005 11:17 AM

The weather didn’t show any mercy in Tynagh, wind and rain swept in from early morning. The single seater brigade were few in numbers, with only 5 hardy souls braving the elements. The Sprint was sponsored by TTM Technologies from Cregboy, Claregalway, Co. Galway and had a total entry of 51.

The wet conditions added to the fun, with plenty of wheelspin on display. Surprisingly very few competitors ended up on the grass during the day. The range of cars in action varied from a Mini , a number of Mark 2 Escorts , right up to an Evo and an Impreza. The day belonged to the Daryan of Seamus Morris and 2 single seaters , they claimed the top 3 spots amid some very stiff competiton. Morris set a blistering pace all day and couldn’t be caught,even with 4 timed runs. Credit must go to Kieran Donoghue, COC, for getting 4 runs in given the wet conditions. Ken McCarthy in his Evo took top spot in class 9 and Ray Cunningham of Galway Mini Centre couldn’t be touched as usual and claimed 1st in class 1. John Laffey from Athenry had his Chevette on song and took 1st in class 3a.

The day proved to be a quiet one for the rescue and ambulance crews, thankfully only one or two minor breakdowns. Spectators were few in number, dodging between the showers. We would like to thank everyone who entered the sprint and all the team who helped to make the day a success.

The support of TTM Technologies as main sponsor was invaluable, without them events like this wouldn’t happen.

1st overall – Seamus Morris – Daryan T9
2nd overall – Michael Clyne – Single Seater
3rd overall – Derek Daly – Single Seater

Class Winners
1.Ray Cunningham – Mini
2. Vincent Deery – Nova
3a. John Laffey – Chevette
3b. Lloyd Fpendlove – Nova
4. Charlie Norton – Lotus
5a. Frank McNamara – Single Seater
6. Paul O Connell – Single Seater
7. Sean McHugh – Impreza
8. Niall Brennan - Civic
9. Ken McCarthy – Mitsubishi Evo

Topics: Galway Sprint 

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