32 County 20-hour Charity Run - 25-26 Jun 05

Posted: June 27, 2005 4:56 PM - 4139 Hits

  • Mission Accomplished - 32 counties in a time of 16 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Bank A/C Details for Donations
The 32 County Charity drive in aid of the Mike O’Leary Memorial Trust came to a safe and successful conclusion in Waterford City this (Sunday) morning at 04.47 a.m. The sponsored drive was undertaken by Austin Shinnors and Tom Walsh in a BMW X5.

Posted: June 27, 2005 4:56 PM

The ceremonial start was at the grounds of the Bruff R.F.U. and the official start was at Rockchapel at 12.17 yesterday. The crew completed an anticlockwise tour of Ireland visiting each of the 32 counties in a time of 16 hours and 30 minutes.

Those wishing to make Donations can do so to:
    Mike O’ Leary Memorial Trust,
    41 South Main Street, Naas.

    Sort Code 93-32-36

    Account No: 13947187


  • Austin Shinnors/Tom Walsh to raise money for GOAL
Two rally enthusiasts are undertaking a gruelling 20-hour marathon around Ireland to raise money for charity. And there will be a 32 county involvement, because they will cross all borders and visit every county in Ireland during their travels.

The novel event is being undertaken to raise badly needed funds for the charities GOAL, cardiac myopathy research and the Volunteers in Irish Veterinary Assistance (VIVA) programme. The latter sends vets to Third World countries to help educate farmers in animal husbandry.

The charity marathon was prompted by the desire to help the charities of a dearly departed colleague. Two years ago Cahirciveen, Co Kerry vet, Mike OLeary died suddenly from cardiac myopathy. He was a popular member of the veterinary profession, being the son of a vet and the husband of a vet. He is survived by his wife Eithne and four young children. Last year the Mike OLeary Memorial Trust was set up. Among the organisations it benefits are his three favourite charities, GOAL, cardio-myopathy research and the VIVA. Mr OLearys colleague in the veterinary profession, Austin Shinnors from Bruff in East Limerick has committed himself to doing something for the Trust. Between June 25 and 26 he will take to the roads on the marathon of mercy.

Tom Walsh, Austin Shinnors, Pat Keogh, Nicolette Keogh, Edmond Wall and Pierse O Leary (C+M Vetlink).

Shinnors, a motoring correspondent with the Irish Veterinary Journal and editor of www.vetcar.ie will drive a high powered BMW X5 over a pre-determined route around Ireland.

During the punishing schedule, every county will be visited in 20 hours or less.
"It is a challenge, but one I am really looking forward to," Shinnors insisted. "Hopefully our efforts will do someone some good." Shinnors will have as his navigator Westport, Co Mayo based AIB bank manager, Tom Walsh, who also happens to be a native of East Limerick, in this case Cappamore. Mr Walsh is chairman of the Tarmac Rally Organisers Association (TROA), who supervise all the major rallies in Ireland, such as Killarney, Donegal, and Circuit of Ireland.

Limerick based national veterinary retailing company, C+M Vetlink were enthusiastic about the venture from the outset. Through their network of sales people they will collect sponsorship from the veterinary practitioners all over the country.
The entire trip will be conducted within the relevant speed limits and the visit to each county will be verified by photography.

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