Cork Motor Club Autocross - (Mon) 27 Dec 04

Posted: January 3, 2005 11:44 AM - 2923 Hits

By Pat Nolan
The CMC Christmas autocross ran over the holiday period and new C.O.C. Paul Casey is to be congratulated on the course he set out and the manner in which he ran his first event. 40 drivers competed in 6 classes over the well prepared course and in spite of the short daylight hours and the rather inclement weather each competitor got 5 timed runs.

Posted: January 3, 2005 11:44 AM

Class 1 honours went to Michael Linehan with Victor and Graham Beamish in second and third respectively.

Class 2 winner was Mike Deane with James Lehane in second and Trevor Cusack in third.

Class 3 winner was Mike O Connor Snr with Dan Barry in second and Mike O Connor Jnr third.

Class 4 was won by Donal Healy with Greg McCarthy second and Owen Murphy third.

Class 5 was taken by Christopher Culleton, and class 6 went to Jimmy Lucey.Overall winner of the event was Gerard Lucey.

Cork Motor Club would like to thank everyone who turned up to help on the day as well as all the competitors who travelled down to take part.They would also like to congratulate and thank C.O.C. Paul Casey for taking up where Michael Linehan,who has clerked this event for a number of years,left off.Michael was a hard act to follow but Paul certainly seems to have risen to the occasion.

Topics: Cork Autocross 

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