Ollie O’Donovan to run Hyundai WRC on Clare Stages & Cork 20

Posted: August 27, 2002 1:35 PM - 7903 Hits

Ollie O’ Donovan has secured a deal with Hyundai Preparation giants Motor Sport Developments (MSD) to bring an Accent WRC to Ireland.

Posted: August 27, 2002 1:35 PM

MSD had planned a two day tarmac test in Ireland to confirm the potential of the WRC Accent as a competitive Irish Tarmac Car and following discussions between the two parties it has been confirmed that Ollie O’ Donovan will carry out the testing duties of the Hyundai and follow the test up by competing on the Clare Stages Rally on the 22nd of September.

The car will then return to its Milton Keynes base where it will undergo a rebuild before it returns to Ireland for it’s Irish International debut on the Cork 20 Rally.

This will be a new experience for O’ Donovan as the Hyundai is left hand drive, equipped with a Sequential gear change and active differentials. It is a debut which both O’ Donovan and Paul Risbridger (General Manager Customer Support) of MSD are very excited about. David Moynihan will as usual look after co-driving duties.

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