Posted: July 12, 2001 3:34 PM - 13833 Hits

Thanks to Peter Allen
It has been confirmed that the 2001 Buy & Sell Circuit of Ireland has been cancelled, while the running of the Ulster Automobile

Posted: July 12, 2001 3:34 PM

Plans to run a two day Circuit of Ireland based in Fermanagh in late October will not now proceed. While welcoming the fact that some of the Foot and Mouth restrictions have been relaxed in recent days, the continuing fortress farming policy means that it is not possible to satisfactorily carry out out all the organisational tasks associated with an October event, some of which require commottments to be made immediately.

All the Club's efforts will now be re-focused on developing next year's event, which is scheduled for 30 March - 1 April.

The Ulster Automobile Club Ltd announced that plans for their annual Speed Weekend are proceeding as normal with all three events due to be held on consecutive days on the first weekend in August.

  • Full details on the UAC website

    The Ulster Automobile Club Ltd today confirmed that due to the continuing foot and mouth problems, the Buy and Sell 2001 Circuit of Ireland Rally would not take place as scheduled in a little over 4 weeks time.

    In making the announcement, the Honorary Secretary of the Club, Tom Watson, stated:

    "The Club has obviously been monitoring events on a daily basis. It recognises the guidelines issued by the Executive and the decisions already taken by the Irish Government with regard to significant sporting events. Taking into account the current positions of the Motor Sports Association and Motorsport Ireland, together with the continuing spread of the disease on the mainland, we have reluctantly concluded that it would be entirely inconsistent with these measures to bring large numbers of people to a cross border rural community for a sporting event which has a duration of three consecutive days.

    The town of Enniskillen, our new sponsors Buy and Sell and Fermanagh District Council, will I know, be extremely disappointed with this news, as is the Club. However in the current circumstances this is the most responsible action to take".

    The Club will now begin to actively seek a new date with the relevant governing bodies for later in the year.

  • Topics: Circuit Of Ireland 

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