MCHUGH’S RALLY CREW - Hot on the glory trail

Posted: February 29, 2000 12:53 AM - 4426 Hits

Press Release

Sean McHugh’s first full season in rallying from the driver’s seat last year was met with considerable success. The Bekan native finished third in Class 14B in both the Red Mills Motorsport Ireland National Rally Championship and concurrent Four Seasons Border Series in his Peugeot 205 GTi.

Posted: February 29, 2000 12:53 AM

For 2000, Sean plans to contest this standard production class in both Championships in an effort to better last years achievements.

“Having been involved in rallying for a few years as a navigator I decided to have a crack at driving last season and I must say I’m delighted the way things went. Third place in both Championships was more than we expected. My back-up crew deserve special thanks for their tremendous effort all year” commented Sean.

During the winter months Sean and his back-up team McHugh’s Rally Crew led by chief mechanic, Johnnie McGarry, totally rebuilt the black Peugeot in preparation for the opening round of the 2000 Dunlop National Rally Championship and Four Seasons Border Series at the Mayo Stages Rally on the 12th March next.

Preparations are well under way for the new season and all going well McHugh’s Rally Crew will be hot on the glory trail once more!

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