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Getting Started in Motorsport: NIGHT NAVIGATION RALLYINGPosted: August 2, 1999 9:19 AM - 3895 Hits
Navigation Rallying is as much a test of map reading and direction finding skills as it is competition driving. It is a relatively cheap form of Motorsport and is fantastic fun! Posted: August 2, 1999 9:19 AM
Each competing car carries two people (the crew) consisting of a driver and a navigator. At the start of the event competitors are given a list of grid references from which they must work out the prescribed route, which can be 150 or more miles of road. The crew must then travel the route adhering to a strict average speed limit of 30 mph for the entire event. Along the route, there are manned time controls where you must check in. Penalties can be gained for various reasons such as arriving early or late at the controls, or for approaching from the wrong direction. The purpose of the exercise is to complete the entire route, maintaining the average speed and picking up as few penalties as possible. Night Navigation Rallies take place under cover of darkness. It has often been stated a brilliant navigator in a well driven Morris Minor will succeed where a poor navigator in a fast car will fail. As speed is not the deciding factor of this sport you may in fact compete in any standard road car.
Getting Started