Ian Greer Rallying Press Release

Posted: September 17, 1999 7:44 AM - 5529 Hits

IAN GREER and DEAN BECKETT have lodged Notice of Appeal to the RIAC National Court of Appeal against the dismissal of the Appeals arising out of the Shell Donegal International Rally 1999. The RIAC Court of Appeal sat on 8th September 1999 and delivered its rulings on 13th September. The matters subject of the appeal process are of pivotal importance not only to Greer and Beckett but to all foreign licence holders competing in International motor sport within the territory governed by RIAC pursuant to the International Sporting Code of the FIA.

Posted: September 17, 1999 7:44 AM

Whilst Greer and Beckett do consider that they received a Hearing before the RIAC Court of Appeal, the substance of the rulings delivered has left them with no option other than to pursue the Appeals as far as is necessary and to invoke the support of MSA UK which is Greer and Beckett's governing body under FIA Rules.

It is a cause of dismay to Greer and Beckett and their sponsor Taranto De Pol that their particiption in an excellent International rally has to be subject of "legal proceedings" in this way; unfortunately the issues at stake dictate that they must proceed. Jamie Champkin of Williamson & Soden, Motor Sport Solicitors, has retained John Aspinall QC, former Chairman of MSA UK Judicial Committee, to represent them on Appeal.

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