Jubilant Jennings Cracks the Manx International Rally Top Ten

Posted: August 7, 2003 12:25 AM - 4499 Hits

And wins the Super 1600 category
Pirelli British Rally Championship, Round 4, 31st July 2nd August 03

The fourth round of the Pirelli British Rally Championship began on the Isle of Man amid cold and damp weather conditions but finished up bright, dry and successful for Team Peugeot TOTAL. Irishman and Peugeot works driver, Garry Jennings won the Super 1600 category and finished the Manx International Rally in seventh place overall.

Posted: August 7, 2003 12:25 AM

After debating on tyre choice due to the weather conditions the team settled for Pirelli intermediate tyres. Gaining an advantage over fellow S1600 competitors on tyres and being first through the stage, Jennings finished Leg 1 of the very wet Castle Town stages with a fastest stage time.

With limited knowledge of The Manx International Jennings began Leg 2 cautiously on Friday as the mist lifted and the weather began to dry out. With clear conditions setting in Jennings witnessed fellow competitors; Kris Meeke and Gwyndaf Evans retire due to mechanical problems.

57 Manx miles completed at a comfortable pace, Jennings increased his pace and went on to set two further fastest stage times on ten and eleven, taking 2 seconds out of Fords Ryan Champion. He commented; This is a long rally with all sorts of surprises, I just want to finish at the minute.

Dropping 27 seconds with gear linkage problems and nearly three minutes with a broken driveshaft were not enough to deter Jennings or the team as he maintained 9th position overall. He commented; The flat shift change had been giving us some trouble and packed up on stage nineteen.

With 68 miles still remaining co-driver Gordon Noble commented; It is annoying that we have dropped so much time but we are so happy with the set-up of the car we will just aim to finish the rally and get more miles on the car in preparation for our home rally. 68 miles is a lot the same size as a national rally.

After the penultimate service and having led the Super 1600s for 5 stages, Jennings commented; Our aim has been to finish the rally so to be in this position today means we have to remain focused. If you sit back and enjoy the comfortable lead you lose your concentration and thats when accidents happen.

Continuing over the picturesque island and onto the last, long stage of nearly 20 miles and the duo prepared for a win. Noble commented; The car has been a bit lively over the bumps today and we had a small brake problem but other than that we are happy to finish in the top 10 and win the Super 1600s.

Garry Jennings commented; This is only the second time Ive managed to finish this season in the works 206, so winning the Super 1600 is great.

Mick Linford, Peugeot Sport Motorsport Manager commented; The pair were due a win. Garry drove to a plan and stuck to it. Despite initially having to watch Gwyndaf and Kris pull away, the plan paid off and Garry and Gordon had a well deserved win.

The fifth round of the Pirelli British Rally Championship moves to Ireland for the Ulster Rally September 4-6th.

Jennings Makes Impressive Start but Weather Fails Him
The Jim Clark International Rally 4-6 Jul 03
Round 3 of the Pirelli British Rally Championship

Team Peugeot TOTAL had every reason to be confident of more points at the Jim Clark Rally after official works driver Garry Jennings finished fourth in the Super 1600s at the last round the Scottish Rally.

Starting from the Ocean Terminal in Edinburgh at 7.15pm last night Jennings set two impressive stages times, despite a problem with the pairs intercoms which knocked their confidence more than time, placing them third fastest on both stages.

Jennings was second fastest on Stage 3, the first stage of the day through Kimmerghame 1, dropping a little on Stage 4 Ayton 1, but still maintaining third overall.

Into Stage 5, and the Irish duo had almost made a clean sweep through when, less than 1 mile from the end Jennings clipped a telegraph poll at the exit of a corner, damaging the front end, which caused the radiator to leak and drain of water. Jennings drove back to main control and after initial investigations it appears that the car over heated the engine and damaged the head gasket, meaning the car would not start for Service out. Even the best efforts of the team werent able to repair the engine commented Noble. Consequently Jennings and Noble had to retire.

Peugeot Motorsport Manager Mick Linford commented; With the changing weather conditions many of the front runners were being caught out, including MGs Gwyndaf Evans who had to retire after Stage 5. Garry did his best to get the car back to us, but the distance back to surface was too far for the engine.

Gordon Noble commented; We had a strategy to try and get to the end of the rally at a reasonable speed and not get dragged into a race which was working and we were holding a comfortable third place, but unfortunately we got caught out on an exceptionally slippy corner, as with many others today.

Jennings commented; Im really disappointed. Running on slicks with changing weather conditions caused the car to grip and change direction. We are hoping to test more before the next round.

Team Peugeot TOTAL will be at the fourth round of the Pirelli British Rally Championship on the Isle of Man for the Manx Rally, 31st July - 2nd August.

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