Posted: September 25, 2002 3:01 PM - 5601 Hits

Report as published on

Safety has always been of paramount importance in Irish Motorsport. It is vital if our sport is to continue to flourish that safety standards are not alone maintained but in fact improved.

Safety extends to everyone involved in the sport from competitors and officials to the media and spectators. We can never be too vigilant.

Earlier this year there were a number of accidents that happened both in rallying and hillclimbs. The Motorsport Commission decided to set up a Review Group to look into those accidents and to report on how safety procedures might be strengthened. Their report was adopted by the Motorsport Commission at it’s meeting of 19th September.

Below is the report of that Review Group. It sets out a series of specific recommendations to strengthen the safety aspects already in place for these branches of Motorsport in the light of these events.

Posted: September 25, 2002 3:01 PM

The implementation of these recommendations is to be carried out through the specialist committees as set out in the Report. The speedy implementation of the report is vital and it is intended that most recommendations can be implemented quickly. It is hoped that all can be place before the start of 2003.

Apart from the specific items in the report the overall thrust is to bring about a change in emphasis from all concerned:

- from organisers an attitude of aiming to exceed standards so that resources are more than adequate.
- from competitors a greater attitude of care towards fellow competitors and organisers;
- from spectators a greater appreciation of the hazards and of the reasons for officials seeking to improve their safety.

The Review Group will work closely with the various specialist committees to ensure that the recommendations listed are implemented.

If you have any queries on any aspect of the report please feel free to contact me or any member of the Group.

Dermott Quigley
Safety Review Group Motorsport Ireland


September 2002

Brief: To review safety aspects of closed road events in light of recent accidents in Rallying and Hillclimbs

Review Group: The review group consisted of people with broad experience of motor sport events drawn form both officials and competitors. The group was :

Mr Pat Sheil - Safety Committee
Mr Noel Clarke- Rallies Committee
Mr Donal Griffin – Safety Committee and Hillclimb Competitor
Mr Denis Hogan - Hillclimb Committee
Mr Austin McHale – Rally Competitor
Mr Dermott Quigley (Chairman) – Race Committee

Approach: The group had a series of wide ranging discussions. Many submissions from motor clubs and individuals were made to the group and were most helpful in assisting us in reaching our conclusions.

General: The report recognises the continuous efforts by organisers over the years that have been made successfully to improve safety on events. This report aims to help further these efforts.

The objective of these recommendations is to increase the culture of safety for all concerned. Develop for organisers an approach that strives to exceed the laid down standards rather than just meeting them. Develop for competitors a culture of increased care and respect for fellow competitors. With the assistance of the MI PR agency develop a publicity campaign to instil in spectators a greater appreciation of the potential hazards and respect for marshals and organisers who are trying to maximise the safety of all concerned.

Some of the recommendations will need to be considered further by the relevant specialist committees, either singly or in consultation with other committees as indicated for each of the recommendations below, to ensure that they are achievable and in some cases introduction may need to be phased over time. Whichever specialist committee is named first has the primary responsibility for implementation. However we believe that most recommendations can be introduced quickly and should not give rise to difficulty or confusion.

The relevant committee are:
SC Safety Committee
RC Rallies Committee
HSC Hillclimb Sprint Committee
TC Technical Committee
IG Implentation Group
MSC Motor Sport Commission
MI Motor sport Ireland
ORG Organising Club

Detailed implementation of these recommendations should allow for the fact that many events have substantial participation by competitors holding UK licences.

In the implementation of these recommendations the relevant specialist committees should take account of the experience of other ASN’s and the manner in which they addressed similar problems.

Many of the points noted below have already been acted on at various events. This report aims to give further impetus to such initiatives.

1) Venues.

a) Venue selection should avoid greater than normal hazards. Implement by SC/RC/HSC

b) Where it is not possible to avoid areas of greater than normal hazard it is recommended that use be made of chicanes or other methods to reduce speed so that the danger is minimised. Implemented by SC/RC/HSC

2) Competitors.

a) To encourage competitors to participate within their own capabilities, those of the vehicle and the overall circumstances it is recommended that a points penalty system be introduced. This would record accidents due to driver error and could include an additional penalty for stage blockage. Implement by RC

b)The warning board in case of accident should only have OK – with the onus being on following competitors to stop if the OK is not seen – again a penalty to apply if OK board not shown. Implement by RC/SC

c)The competitor has responsibility to ensure that cars “off” on a stage are reported to the stage finish radio point. Implement by RC/SC

d)For hillclimbs a similar record of driver error accidents should be kept. Implement by HSC

e)For both disciplines the Implementation Group should consider a stricter upgrade procedure for competition licences so as to ensure that drivers have sufficient experience for more powerful cars. The views of the Hill climb/Sprint Committee and the Rallies Committee should be sought in working out the details of the upgrade process. In progressing this aspect consideration should be given to compatibility with UK grading procedures Implement by IG

3. Organisers

a)Event organisers should ensure that scheduling of events leaves time to complete all checks before competition starts. In planning an event organisers should ensure that resources are fully adequate to meet safety standards in full. Implement by ORG

b) Safety Officer and Stewards must be strict in ensuring events are run in full conformity with the safety plan. Appointment of such officials should bear in mind the ability of the individuals to take unpopular decisions when necessary. The presentation of Safety Plans according to the timetable laid down must be adhered to so as any changes required can be implemented by the organisers. Implement by RC/HSC/SC

c) The Motorsports Commission should consider allowing the event Safety Officer the authority to delay or cancel an event or part of it. Implement by MSC

d) The Safety Officer should establish the accuracy of information included in the Safety Plan. Random test checks of various aspects of the Safety Plan will assist in establishing this. A penalty could be applied to organisers where incorrect assurances were given. This could be either a future downgrading of the event or a significant financial penalty. Implement by SC/RC/HSC

e) Changes made in the interests of safety should be notified to competitors as far as possible. Implement by ORG

f) It is the Organisers task to set up venues/stages in full compliance with the Safety Plan. The role of the Safety Officer is to inspect the venues/stages after the organisers have declared it to be in compliance with the agreed Safety Plan Implement by ORG/SC

g) Car accountability and checking of where an individual competitor has stopped on a stage can be assisted by use of the radio networks to supplement the car accountability vehicle. It may be necessary for the finish stop car to be supplemented by a separate radio car. Implement by ORG/SC/RC

h) Safety Officers and Stewards must ensure strict adherence to stage bogey times and distances. Implement by SC/RC

i) Each junction must have a clearly identified In-Charge Marshal who has appropriate experience. This official should have a copy of the relevant part of the Safety Plan to ensure the area is correctly set up. Implement by ORG

j) The matter of officials training is being addressed in a separate initiative from Motor Sport Ireland. It is intended that a nominated panel will educate officials, initially Stewards, CoC’s Safety Officers, Stage Commanders, Rescue Personnel and Marshals. This will train the organisers in the necessary skills and qualifications to enable them to perform in a confident and competent manner. Clearly a number of officials already have these skills, but it will enhance Motor Sport greatly if the training process is placed on a formal footing. Implement by MSC

k) The experience of best practice should be shared widely. The Rally and Hillclimb Committees should ensure this is done effectively. Implement by RC/HSC

l) Operation and use of “00” cars and their overall contribution to the effective running of the event should be reviewed. Implement by RC/SC


a) The role of the Chief Marshal should be clearly defined. Implement by RC/HSC

b) Location of marshals should have as a prime consideration marshals own safety. Implement by ORG

c) Treatment of marshals with regard to provisions of a minimum level of sustenance, programme and identifying badges/bibs should be ensured bearing in mind the nature of the event and the placing of the volunteers. Implement by ORG/RC/HSC

d) The practice that under-age marshals are not used should be continued and be closely monitored by the Chief Marshal and Stage Commanders Implement by ORG/RC/HSC

e) Senior Officials (Stewards, CoC, Safety Officer etc) should be clearly identified by wearing a tabard stating the role. Implement by RC/SC/HSC


a)Consideration should be given to the most effective manner of ensuring spectators are in safe positions. This may include closing access points further from junctions and only permitting holders of programmes to park nearer to the stage. The option of official viewing points with a charge for access should be investigated further. Experience of Belgium, France and UK may be helpful in this regard. Implement RC/SC

b) Where large numbers are expected the event marshals may need to be assisted by Gardai. This should be planned well in advance. Implement by ORG

c)The issue of a Press pass should be closely controlled. The holding of such a pass does not imply permission to be in an unsafe position. Implement by MI and ORG

d) Communicate with spectators concerning safety via event programmes and specialist press Implement by MI and ORG

6. Vehicles

a) Issues concerning eligibility that may affect safety should be discussed fully with the relevant committee by the Technical Committee before any changes are introduced. Implement by TC/RC/HSC

b) The adequacy and implementation of current safety specifications should be reviewed by Technical Committee to ensure full compliance Implemented by TC in consultation with RC/HSC

7. Hillclimbs/Sprints

a) The Hillclimb Committee to continue to monitor the venues used for both Championship and Non-Championship events. Implemented by HSC

b) A means of reducing speeds at points of greater than normal speed should be used. The approach used at Dungarvan in 2002 worked well. Implemented by HSC/SC

c) Tyre protection barriers should be used also where a greater than normal hazard exists Implemented by HSC/SC

d)When possible the person who inspects the hill should be appointed Safety Officer for the event. Implemented by SC

e) Continue the use of one or two experienced Single Seater driver to assist the Hill inspection process. Implemented by HSC/SC

f) Organisers should be notified of the help available from the Hillclimb Drivers Association for paddock organisation. Implemented by HSC

g) Organisers should make results available for each timed run before the commencement of the following run. Implemented by ORG

h)Roles of the Marshals should be clearly defined. Implemeted by HSC

8 Conclusion

The recommendations contained in this report are, in the view of the Safety Review Group, both necessary and desirable for the continued safe promotion of events. It is the Safety Review Groups wish that these recommendations will be implemented in as short a time scale as possible.

The Safety Review Group is willing to assist the relevant specialist committees should they require further clarification on any aspect of the recommendations.

It is the Motor Sport Commissions responsibility to ensure implementation of this report.

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