Tour de Luxembourg 2001 - 21-22 Apr 01

Posted: April 22, 2001 4:24 PM - 9868 Hits

Ian Greer & Dean Beckett brought the Taranto de Pol Corolla WRC to a brillant win on the 2 day Rally of Luxemburg. The Northern Ireland crew had over a minute to spare on the similar Corolla WRC of the number one seed Rocco Theunissen.

Posted: April 22, 2001 4:24 PM

Eamonn Boland/Anthony Nester who were lying 4th overnight, lost 10 mins with Gear box problems on the second last stage.

1 (4)  	Ian GREER/Dean BECKETT (Toyota Corola WRC).............02:36:31
2 (1)  	Rocco THEUNISSEN/Erwin MOMBAERTS (Toyota Corola WRC)...02:37:34
3 (3)  	Hans STACEY/Daniel SONCK (Subaru Impreza WRC)..........02:38:13
4 (31)  Peter BIJVELDS/Piet BIJVELDS (Mitsubishi Lancer E6)....02:44:33
5 (7)  	François DUVAL/Patrick GRIGNET (Mitsubishi Carisma GT).02:44:34
6 (36)  Johan DEEN/H. SCHOLTALBERS (Mitsubishi Lancer E6)......02:45:49
7 (14)  Edwin ABBRING/Edwald VAN_KESSEL (Toyota Celica GT4)....02:47:33
8 (39)  Jan DE_WINKEL/Radboud VAN_HOEK (VW Golf Kitcar)........02:48:16
9 (20)  Bob COLSOUL/Tom COLSOUL (Mitsubishi Lancer)............02:48:22
10 (18) Ben BRIANT/Tim LINE (Mitsubishi Lancer E6).............02:49:18
13 (12) Patrick ELLIOT/Martin CAHILL (Subaru Impreza 555)......02:50:38
14 (9)  Eamonn BOLAND/Anthony NESTOR (Subaru Impreza WRC)......02:52:33
32 (34) Patrick PRICE/Karen PRICE (Mitsubishi Lancer E6).......03:09:18
SS 8 Derek McGarrity/Dermot O'Gorman (Subaru Impreza WRC).Gearbox 
SS 7 Tim McNulty/Eugene O'Donnell (Subaru Impreza 555)...Accident
SS 6 James Harrission/Harvey Bell (Subaru Impreza WRC)...Accident
SS 6 Roy White/Des Cooney (Lancer Evo 6)...................Clutch

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