Posted: September 21, 2001 8:57 PM - 41289 Hits


The Motorsport Commission (Ruling Council) of Motorsport Ireland met on 20th September to consider the implications of the continuing Foot & Mouth crisis within the UK and what measures motorsport can take to ensure that all possible preventative measures can be put in place to assist in the running of events.

In this regard it was agreed that for the remainder of this year, events run on the public road must have in place such controls as to make it impossible for anyone to be present without first having gone through a process involving the disinfecting of both the person and the vehicle in which they are travelling or competing.

Posted: September 21, 2001 8:57 PM

This, of necessity, can only be achieved by the use of controlled entry and exit points at venues and Motorsport Ireland will require confirmation of the existence of such controls before issuing a permit for the running of an event.

In tandem with this Motorsport Ireland will meet with the Expert Group advising the Minister in order to establish what other measures may be necessary to ensure all reasonable precautions are being put in place.


Motorsport Ireland is delighted to announce that the Motor Sport Commission (Ruling Council) agreed to remove the remaining suspension on Rallying at their meeting last night 19 th July.

Motorsport Ireland has maintained this suspension voluntarily in order to ensure that no possible risk might arise as a result of promoting Rallying throughout the country. The Motor Sport Commission wish to thank the many organisers who observed this suspension over this period of time and who through their actions showed themselves to be acting in the best interest of the country.

Notwithstanding the removal of this suspension, it should be noted that events may only take place providing, in the first instance, the views of local communities are taken into account. Event Organisers are particularly encouraged to liase closely with the farming community whose livelihood must take precedence over the running of any sporting events. Also, any remaining Department of Agricultural guidelines must be rigidly enforced.

The Motor Sport Commission of Motorsport Ireland considered the current situation regarding Foot & Mouth disease and the continuing implications for Irish Motorsport at their meeting on 21st June. This meeting was able to confirm the intention to lift the remaining restrictions on Hillclimbs from 1st July and Rallying with effect from 19th July. Should the situation deteriorate the ban will remain in place or be re-imposed as appropriate.

Motorsport Ireland would remind clubs wishing to organise events in line with this decision that they should in the first instance establish the support of the local community for such an event. Motorsport Ireland values greatly such support and this is particularly true in the case of the farming community who has helped us over many years with our events.

We also ask clubs organising Rallies if they would please let us have a note of what events they propose to run for the remainder of the year so that we may draw up a revised fixture list. This information is requested by 5 July.


At a meeting of the Motor Sport Commission (Ruling Council) held in Dublin last night, the present restrictions on certain forms of motorsport due to the outbreak of Foot & Mouth disease were reviewed.

After very careful consideration of all aspects of the current situation it was decided to lift the suspension on the following type of events with immediate effect:

    Midget Car Racing
    4x4 Production Vehicle Trials
    Sporting Trials
    Autoross (Grass Surface)

These can now be added to Racing, Rallycross, Kart Racing, Rallysprint and Autocross (Loose Surface) events that have already had restrictions lifted.

It is anticipated that restrictions on Hillclimbs will be lifted on 1st July and Stage Rallies and Navigation Trials on 19th July. The removal of these restrictions will only come about providing there is no deterioration in the present situation regarding FMD on the island of Ireland.

In all cases, Department of Agriculture guidelines must be followed.

Clubs wishing to organise additional events not already included on the Motorsport Ireland fixture list may make application and any such application will be dealt with in the normal manner. However, events already listed will take precedence over any event that is applying to move to a new date.


Bearing in mind the further outbreaks of FMD last weekend, clubs are reminded of the need to take every possible precaution if hosting permitted events.

Although the possibility of full motorsport activity remains uncertain the MSC has agreed the following guidelines in advance of a possible full resumption and the anticipated rush of event applications:-

  • Dates for events in the original calendar for 2001 will be given priority over rescheduled or substituted events, no matter how important the latter may be.
  • Clubs seeking dates for such events must ensure that adequate marshalling, medical and rescue cover will be available, particularly in the case of Rallies/Hillclimbs which may run on the same date.
  • Ideally, championships will still finish on the original date set although obviously certain leeway may be permitted provided an extension does not interfere with championship arrangements for 2002.

    In conclusion, the MSC appreciate the approach of clubs to assisting the elimination of the disease and it hopes that all involved will continue to pull together to avoid clashes etc. when motorsport is in a position to resume full activity.


    The Motor Sport Commission have decided to lift the temporary suspension on certain categories of Motorsport events with effect from 14 April.

    These events include Racing, Kart Races, Loose Surface Autocross, Rallycross, Autotest & Rallysprint events which primarily take place at permanent venues and comply with the Dept.of Agriculture's Expert Group's requirements for category 2 type events.

    Competitors from Restricted Areas or from the agricultural sector are being asked not to take part in such events until further guidelines are issued by the Minister.

    The partial lifting of the suspension is subject to no objection being raised by the Minister or his Expert Group.

    Clubs wishing to organise additional events of this type not already included on the Motorsport Ireland fixture list may make application and any such applications will be dealth with in the normal manner.

    Unfortunately, the Motorsport Commission do not feel it appropriate to approve the resumption of a number of other forms of motorsport including, Rallies, Hillclimbs, 4X4 Trials, Sporting Trials, Grass Autocross and Midget Car Events. These will be looked at again on 19 April.

    The effected events are:
    8.4.01 - Circuit of Kerry Rally
    7/8.4.01 - Wexford Hillclimb
    7/8.4.01 - Leinster Weekend Sporting Trial
    14/16.4.01 - Circuit of Ireland
    22.4.01 - Monaghan Stages Rally
    5/6.5.01 - Killarney Rally of the Lakes
    15-17.6.01 - Shell Donegal International Rally

    Thanks to Oisin O'Briain

    The Motor Sport Commission (Ruling Council of Motorsport Ireland) met on Thursday 15 March to consider the position regarding the suspension of all Motorsport in Ireland which is already in place until 5 April.

    The Motor Sport Commission have confirmed that this suspension will continue at least until this date and that additionally, all Rally events for the month of April have been postponed.

    The Motor Sport Commission will meet again on 5 April to carry out a further review of the situation at that time.

    With immediate effect, Motorsport Ireland, the Governing Body for Irish Motorsport, has suspended all events until 5th April.
    This has been done with the full co-operation and support of our affiliated clubs who are the organisers of these events. The decision has been taken in the national interest and in particular, in the interests of our many friends and supporters within the farming community who are going through such worrying times.

    3/4.3.01 - Co.Cavan Navigation Trial
    4.3.01 - Carlow Rallycross
    10.3.01 - Co.Monaghan Navigation Trial
    10.3.01 - Leinster Healy Cup Sporting Trial
    11.3.01 - Birr Autocross
    11.3.01 - Mayo Stages Rally
    11.3.01 - Killarney Autotest
    11.3.01 - IKC Kart Race Meeting
    17.3.01 - IVVCC Veteran & Vintage Run
    17.3.01 - Co. Kildare Navigation Trial
    17/18.3.01 - Cork West Cork Stages Rally
    24.3.01 - TDC International Trophy Autotest
    24/25.3.01 - ALMC Jumbo Navigation Trial
    25.3.01 - Limerick Autotest
    25.3.01 - Wexford Autotest
    25.3.01 - MEC 4x4 Production Vehicle Trial
    25.3.01 - Co. Kildare Autotest
    25.3.01 - Midland Single Stage Rally
    25.3.01 - Munster Kart Race
    31.3.01 - MEC Deveraux Cup Sporting Trial
    31.3.01 - Privegiving of the National 
              Forestry Rally Championship
    31/1.4.01 Galway Classic Trial
    The Hillclimb and Sprint Open Forum scheduled to take place this Saturday, 3rd March, in the Green Isle Hotel has also been postponed.

    The decision will be reviewed on 5th April when a meeting of the Motor Sport Commission (ruling council) is scheduled and at weekly intervals thereafter.

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