Statement regarding Killarney Disturbances

Posted: May 6, 2000 4:02 PM - 2777 Hits

Statement from Chairman of the Motorsport Commission Regarding Killarney Disturbances

Motorsport Ireland has completed a comprehensive review of the Killarney International Rally in the light of the recent publicity which linked the Rally to public order disturbances in Killarney both on Saturday and Sunday night last, 29th and 30th April.

We are more than satisfied that the event itself was well planned and run in a highly professional manner and that it was enjoyed by the large crowds, which behaved in a way to be expected from people attending such an event.

Posted: May 6, 2000 4:02 PM

The disturbances that occurred, were the kind of incidents that all too often happen nowadays when large numbers of people gather until late into the night and where large amounts of alcohol are involved.

Motorsport Ireland has already gone on public record deploring the disturbances particularly as they happened over a festival weekend based around the International Rally. We believe that the actions of a mindless minority should never be allowed to detract from the enjoyment of the very large majority.

Cecil Sparks

Motorsport Commission

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