Motorsport Ireland Announce Eddie Jordan as Patron of new Benevolent Fund

Posted: February 15, 2000 6:34 PM - 3400 Hits

Motorsport Ireland, the governing body for motorsport in Ireland, has set up Irish motorsports’ first Benevolent Fund.

Posted: February 15, 2000 6:34 PM

Designed to help alleviate hardship where Irish motorsport competitors have suffered serious injury, the Fund will be administered by a board of Trustees. Eddie Jordan has agreed to be the patron of the new Fund, details of which were announced at a reception held in Dublin on 14th February.

The Fund, which will be known as The Irish Motorsport Benevolent Fund, has been set up for the benefit of Motorsport Ireland licence holders who might be injured in events held under the rules of the FIA, Motorsport Ireland or any other National Governing Body recognised by the FIA.

All Motorsport Ireland competitors contribute annually to the Fund by way of a £5 levy on each competition licence. It is expected that a number of companies and individuals will also contribute to the Fund and indeed some have already done so. It is also hoped that affiliated clubs will run fund raising events to raise monies for the Fund.

The Fund will be administered by five Trustees who will make annual audited reports to Motorsport Ireland and to the Revenue Commissioners who have granted the Fund charitable status. The Trustees are;-

    Peter Jenkins (Chairman)
    Charles McCollum (Treasurer)
    Kris Bridges-Phelan (Secretary)
    Ed Colton
    Leslie Vard
Speaking of the Fund, Eddie Jordan said;- ‘This is an excellent initiative and one which I am delighted to support. Hopefully no one will have to call on it but unfortunately there are times when such a fund is necessary. Motorsport Ireland is to be congratulated on setting up such an initiative’.

Speaking on behalf of the Trustees Peter Jenkins said, ‘We must recognise the nature of our sport. Accidents do happen. Our intention is that, where appropriate, the Fund will enable us to give help quickly to ensure that the minimum of hardship occurs at what will undoubtedly be a most stressful time for the person concerned’.

This is the latest in a series of positive new steps being taken by the new face of Motorsport Ireland, the governing body of Irish motorsport. The fund has been set-up to step in immediately and its purpose is to alleviate or decrease the hardship and suffering of those injured in the sport.

With Motorsport becoming more and more popular in Ireland it is important to have such a fund available if and when competitors receive serious injuries.

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